The Club Wife Read online

Page 10

  Kim nodded.

  My fucking turned into an urgent rut. “What did you say?”

  The tiniest shadow of a smile flickered at one corner of her mouth. “I told him I was already off.”

  I shouted as I blew my load.


  “You’re not though, right? You’re just joking? That was just dirty talk, right?!?” My mind was racing as fast as my heart.

  Kim shook her head.

  “You’re fucking serious?” I was still inside her, my body plastered against her. “What the fuck are you doing?!?”

  Kim bit her lip. “You came right as I told you. That was so hot. You came right when I told you I was off. Why? Was it because there’s a chance Tyrel put a baby into me?”

  “Holy fuck, Kim,” I groaned but again my cock roared to life.

  “Oh God, baby,” Kim said, running her hands up and down my back. “Can you imagine? Can you imagine my belly growing because from another man’s seed?” she whispered into my ear.

  “Kim this is not alright,” I said pulling myself out of her. “This is crazy.”

  “Is it?” she asked.

  I rolled off the bed and stood up, my cock still dripping with mine and Tyrel’s cum. “It is! You are being crazy!” I shouted. It seemed like she’d completely lost her mind.

  Kim lifted her feet into the air, swept the covers off and spread her legs. Her defiled hole split open with a wet smack. “Look at this,” she whispered, gazing at her own cunt.

  And I couldn’t help but stare at it too. My cock bounced as I stepped forward and peered into the gaping maw bubbling with freshly fucked seed. His and mine.

  “Come here Daniel,” Kim whispered. She crooked her finger to pull me closer.

  I don’t know what force compelled me to obey. I knew I should be outraged, that I should shake her and yell at her to come to her senses. This whole thing felt like some feverish erotic dream that had the potential of turning into a nightmare. All the same, I sank to my knees.

  Kim’s breasts heaved as she inhaled and brought a hand to my cheek. She didn’t pull me closer but I knew that’s what she wanted by her touch. I sank lower until my mouth was hovering just above her pussy.

  The heady musk of Tyrel’s ejaculate mixed with my own wafted from her hole. I looked up to see her staring down at me with the most affectionate smile. “Kiss it,” she whispered.

  It was a disgusting request that required an act of submission so complete on my part. But it was one I knew I couldn’t deny.

  Pressing my tongue against her folds I plunged it inside and began to clean her out. The first tart taste of semen slipping into my mouth nearly made me wretch but I held it together. What was so erotic about this I still didn’t know but it was.

  My cock began to rise again as I licked and slurped Kim’s cunt. Every time I looked up it was to see her gazing lovingly back at me. She came when I was nearly done. A violent shudder shook her whole body and she moaned as I fucked her with my tongue.

  When it was over she lowered her legs and sat up, cradling my head in her lap.

  I nearly drifted off to sleep as she ran her fingers through my hair. There was so much that needed to be said but strangely enough I felt closer to her than I ever had before.

  Chapter 14

  Kim was gone before I woke up the next day, which wasn’t unusual but I really wanted to talk to her about everything that had happened.

  I sent her a text and sat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee waiting for a reply. When none came after an hour I started to worry. I sent another. Then a third.


  By noon I was gripped by a panic. The rational explanation was that she was swamped at work as usual. I didn’t want to call and be the crazy jealous husband. But I couldn’t stop thinking of where she was and what she was doing and with who? I paced nervously around the house until finally around three I heard the front door open. I half-ran into the hall to find Kim looking very woozy one knee bent in, holding a hand up against the wall.

  She smiled.

  “Kim? What’s going on? Why aren’t you at work?” She seemed drunk.

  “No, baby,” she said, walking towards me. She leaned against my chest and kissed my lips. She smelled like…cum. “I didn’t go to work today,” she said, looking a little guilty.

  “What do you mean you…”

  “I was with Tyrel.”

  She might as well have punched me in the stomach. “You were what?”

  “Tyrel called and said he was picking me up around noon.”

  “And you went?” I balked.

  Kim nodded.

  “What do you mean picking you up? He came to work?”

  Kim nodded again.

  “Kim, what the fuck?” I whispered.

  Kim shrugged. “I just…it’s so hard to say no to him.”

  “What did you do?” I asked, my voice terse.

  “He took me to the club. We fucked. Some of his buddies stopped by.”

  “You fucked them too?” I asked.

  Kim nodded again.

  “I can’t believe this,” I whispered, shaking my head.

  Kim’s hand slipped behind my belt and into my pants. She shoved it lower until she found my hard cock. “Something tells me you can,” she whispered.

  “No. No, no, no,” I said, pulling her hand out and taking a step back. “This is crazy and it needs to stop.”

  Kim’s expression changed to an angry pout. “What?” she snapped.

  “This! All of this!” I said, waving my hands at her. “You’re…skipping work to hook up with Tyrel and fucking his buddies at the club! This isn’t hot any more! This is fucked up!”

  And just as suddenly as she’d become cranky, Kim seemed to snap out of whatever insane place she’d worked herself into. “Oh my God, Daniel. You’re right,” she whispered. She dropped her purse on the floor with a thud.

  My heart broke when she looked up at me with tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she said, her voice pained. “I was just doing it for you. Then…then it just kind of took over and…oh God, what have I done?”

  I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her in a hug. I held her tight, glad that she seemed to be back, the Kim I’d married.

  After a few minutes of sniffling she pulled back. “What are we going to do? Tyrel’s coming back. He just needed to go see some people. He wants to go back to the club!” Her voice began to rise as she panicked.

  “Kim. It’s okay. Everything’s going to be alright,” I said, pulling her close again. “He’s just a guy. I’ll tell him it’s over and that’ll be that.” I looked down at her just in time to see the flash of sorrow dart through her eyes.

  Nothing hurt quite like that. The fact that she was sad about not being able to see Tyrel again that night just cut like a knife.

  Someone knocked at the door.

  I stepped around Kim. My heart was beating a little harder than normal but there was no doubt in my mind about what I had to do. I swung the door open to find Tyrel there with his arms folded across his chest.

  He gave a nod, then stepped up to get into the house.

  I stood my ground.

  Tyrel looked up, surprised. “What up D?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “Not tonight.”

  Tyrel screwed up his face. “What the fuck? What do you mean ‘not tonight?’ Where she at?” He looked over my shoulder. “Hey, baby, get out here. I got some boys waiting in the car.”

  I didn’t turn to look at Kim, just heard her sniffling behind me. It wasn’t that I needed to somehow face down Tyrel, I didn’t give a shit about that. I just didn’t want to see what her face looked like when she said “no” to Tyrel.

  So I looked at him instead. After a few moments he shook his head and waved his hand at us, stepping away from the door. He looked up at me and smirked. “She’ll be back, D. They always come back. You best sleep with one eye open ‘cause she’ll find some way to sneak off and feel a black dick s
tretch out that tight pussy. Pffft,” he said, waving and turning to walk down the driveway. He got into the car, slammed the door and peeled away.

  I closed the door and turned to face Kim again. She was covering her mouth with her hand, her eyes staring at some distant point past the wall.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  She mustered a smile. “Yeah.”

  I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her again. “Why don’t you get cleaned up,” I whispered.

  Kim pulled back, nodded and turned to go.

  “Kim, wait,” I said. I put a hand on her shoulder and turned her to face me again. “Are you really not on birth control?”

  She relaxed her shoulders and a tired smile formed along her mouth. “I’m not,” she sighed.

  My insides tightened again. “Why?”

  She stepped closer, took my hand and pressed it against her belly. “I’m pregnant, Daniel.”

  Time seemed to stop and in that terrifying, thrilling moment I experienced what might be the greatest anxiety of my life. Her smile brought me down from the heights of paranoia. Surely she wouldn’t be smiling like that if… “Is it…?” I left the words dangling.

  Kim tilted her head and scowled. “Daniel. Of course it’s yours. I’m a month and a half along. That’s why I was even up for this crazy ride. My hormones are out of control. I’ve never been so horny in my life!”

  A massive weight fell off my shoulders. This explained so much. Almost everything, in fact. Why Kim had been so willing to try this in the first place. Why she’d been willing to go back. Hormones had sent her libido spinning out of control and this had been an outlet for her arousal.

  Suddenly the realization dawned on me that I was being a complete tool. “Oh my God, Kim, I’m so happy! I’m sorry I was just…” I wrapped my arms around her in another tight hug.

  She waited a few seconds before finishing my sentence. “Thinking that the baby might be Tyrel’s?” she whispered.

  My cock bounced to life.

  I heard Kim smile with her cheek pressed to mine. “Hey Daniel?” she asked.

  My stomach tightened. “Hm?”

  “Can we go back? Just one last time?”

  It was a crazy thing to ask and an even crazier time to ask it. I pulled away and looked her in the eyes. “Why?”

  Kim sighed. “It’s just…it’s for me this time.”

  I probably should have said no. I guess Tyrel was right. They always come back. I’ll admit I was being a little selfish when I made my decision. “Okay. But I’m coming with you. And one last time means one last time. After that we stop. Can you handle that?”

  Kim got a wistful look in her eye. She nodded. “I can. I promise. Just one last time. Then I’ll stop.”

  A silence passed between us that turned awkward after a while. “When?” I asked.

  The wistful look turned hungry and she seemed to be looking through me at a place far away. “I don’t know yet,” she whispered.

  Chapter 15

  Days of waiting for Kim to make her decision turned into weeks, then months. The tension of not knowing when it was going to happen faded as time passed. Every so often Kim would bring it up during our lovemaking. She would get that hungry look as I fucked her and stare into my eyes. “Don’t forget,” she would whisper. “One last time.”

  Her words would send a jolt of lust pulsing through me that would usually push me over the edge. But neither of us brought it up outside of the heat of the moment. It got to the point where I thought she’d changed her mind.

  Her belly grew. It was kind of hot, actually. It got so big that we had to stop fucking missionary. It was either sideways or doggy.

  I found her swollen belly and engorged tits incredibly attractive. She would walk around in a sports bra underwear because she was so hot and it would drive me insane.

  And then one Friday night while we were watching TV, when I’d nearly forgotten about our adventures and my promise, Kim turned to me and smiled. She had her hands on her fat stomach, cradling it in such a maternal, loving way.

  I smiled back and leaned in to kiss her cheek.

  “Tomorrow,” she whispered.

  My whole body tightened in a panic. “What? Are you serious?” I asked.

  “Deadly serious,” Kim replied. She watched my reaction like a hawk, her smile widening as she saw the blood drain from my face.

  I stared at my Kim, my wife, the soon to be mother of my child and imagined what it would be like watching her become a whore, a pregnant whore for a club full of hung black men.

  My erection roared to life.

  Pulling into the parking lot the next night I felt like my heart was in my throat. Kim had barely said anything all day. She’d been lost in her thoughts, dreaming of what it would be like to be stuffed by all that black cock again, no doubt.

  When we walked in the bouncer’s eyes went wide at the sight of Kim with her big belly. After a moment he cracked a grin and waved his hand. “Oh shit, hold on a sec. Tyrel gonna wanna see this shit.” He disappeared but was back a moment later followed by Tyrel.

  Tyrel grinned in the same lecherous way as his eyes settled on Kim.

  My stomach twisted as he approached and wrapped his arms around her, then leaned down and gave her a sloppy wet kiss. His black paws travelled down her back and gripped her ass cheeks, mauling them like he owned her. When he was done he cupped her tits, rubbed them a little then twisted her nipples until she squealed. “What’s this?” he asked, rubbing her belly. “Got a little black in that belly?”

  Kim smiled, glanced back at me and winked. “We’re not sure yet,” she said, turning back to Tyrel.

  Her reply sent a jolt of arousal through me. Of course we were sure but I had no choice but to succumb to my darkest fantasy, that the baby was Tyrel’s.

  Tyrel chuckled. “Shit, baby, you gonna get all kinds of fucked tonight. You practically the only bitch here,” he said. With his arm on her shoulder he turned and led her into the club. Right before they disappeared through the entrance he looked over his shoulder at me with a grin. “See? They always come back. Ain’t never gonna’ be ‘nuff.”

  I shuddered at the thought that it might not but followed them in.

  Watching the reaction of the men inside the club to Kim’s entrance was like seeing a pack of hungry wolves circling a wounded animal. Their eyes raked down her body, staring at her bulging tits and stomach. Some stood up and approached, though not too close as long as Tyrel still had his hand around her.

  “Let’s take this downstairs,” he said with a smile.

  Kim and Tyrel walked through the room towards the stairs and a parade of horny men fell in line behind them with me at the very end.

  By the time I got to the “cave” Kim was already stripped naked and being strapped in to the breeding rack. Her pregnant belly hung low along with her heavy tits. Her pussy was a drooling mess.

  Tyrel spat in his palm and rubbed the head of his hard cock with it. The other men were standing around in various states of undress, some rubbing their cocks to hardness. Tyrel turned to me. “You ever get that plug up inside this ass again?” he asked.

  I shook my head.

  Tyrel tilted his. “Well then this might hurt a bit.” He peeled Kim’s dripping lips apart and pressed the head of his cock against her pink flesh.

  She gasped and clenched her fists. As Tyrel pushed himself deeper into her her mouth fell open and she whispered an “Oh God.”

  Tyrel smiled and gently smacked her ass. “You feel that? You forgot what that feels like, didn’t you? Some nice black dick? Didn’t you?” He smacked her ass again.

  Kim craned her neck to try and look at him. “Oh God,” she repeated, “fuck it into me please!”

  Tyrel chuckled but gave her what she was begging for. He thrust his hips forward plunging his dark shaft into her up to the hilt.

  Kim moaned and writhed on the rack, shaking it.

  Tyrel fucked his cock in and out of her slowl
y a few times. Then he pursed his lips and spat. The gob of spittle that flew from his mouth landed right above Kim’s ass hole with a smack.

  Kim’s eyes popped open wide and she tried to look back again. “I don’t…I’m not sure if…”

  Tyrel smacked her ass. “Bitch you don’t need to be sure. You need to feel a dick in your ass that’s what it’s there for.” He hauled his cock out of her dripping pussy and pressed the swollen head of it against her puckered back hole. Pressing on it with his thumb, he eased it in and grunted as her ass swallowed it up.

  “Oh God,” Kim whispered. But it wasn’t the desperate whisper of a woman enduring an unwanted intrusion. It was a whisper that said “how did I not know this could feel so good?”

  “Yeah,” Tyrel grunted as he stuffed more of his meat into her ass.

  Kim winced as he stretched her tight hole but didn’t complain.

  Every other man in the room was staring at her, eyes roaming over her body, cocks hard at the anticipation of their turn.

  Kim moaned.

  Tyrel was about three quarters of the way into her when she clenched her ass hole around his cock.

  “I…I can’t,” she whimpered. “I can’t take any more.”

  Tyrel put his thumbs on both her cheeks and spread them apart wider still. “Ain’t no ‘I can’t’ down here, bitch.” With a powerful lunge he speared the rest of his cock deep into her ass until his balls slapped against her puss.

  As Kim moaned Tyrel began a relentless and powerful fuck into her bowels. Her pained grimace soon melted and her mouth fell open as she endured, then began enjoying the fucking.

  I couldn’t believe when she began moaning uncontrollably. Was Tyrel really going to make her come by fucking her ass?

  He kept up the assault on her rear until the throes of an orgasm twisted her body side to side. A spurt of clear liquid squirted from her pussy, then another and another as she screamed in agonized pleasure.

  Tyrel continued fucking her ass.

  I was hard as a rock and my imagination was running wild wondering what it would look like to stare at Kim’s gaping ass hole, dripping cum.

  But Tyrel didn’t give me that pleasure. Right when he seemed like he was about to come, he hauled his meat out of her and walked slowly around the rack. He undid the straps holding her arms down and stood right in front of her.