The Company WIfe Read online

Page 4

  She steps through the door looking as elegant as always in her four inch heels and trench coat that only covers half her thighs. She throws her keys onto the table by the door and ditches her purse before she notices I'm sitting on the couch staring at her. Then she smiles.

  "How long have you been sitting there like that?"

  "I don't know," I shrug. "Maybe an hour?"

  Serena laughs. Something between a bubbly giggle and a cackle. Or maybe that's just the way I hear it. "How was your day?"

  Suddenly I feel so fucking angry. Is she serious?!? How was my fucking day?!? "What happened?" I manage, but through clenched teeth.

  Serena seems taken aback. "What do you mean what happened?"

  "What happened? Why are you home so late?" I bark.

  Her shoulders slump as she walks up and sits on the couch.

  My blood is boiling now. Why isn't she answering me? Why doesn't she just fucking say it!?!

  "What are you talking about? I'm always home at this time. Well, maybe five minutes earlier. There was traffic on fifth. What's up with you?"

  For a second I don't believe her. I check my watch. It's six-thirty. Is that right? Is she always home at this time? Fuck. Maybe she is? Maybe I haven't been paying attention. Whatever. I decide to ask. "You... you didn't do it?"

  "Do it?" she asks. "Do what?"

  "You didn't... you didn't fuck him?"

  The realization dawns on her what I'm talking about. "Oh Christ, Andy, no! Come on! I told you I wasn't going to! I promised, remember?"

  And instantly, just like that, I feel like a total idiot. Of course I remember. Of course I remembered this whole time. I just didn't... I just didn't trust her enough. And I know none of this is going to work without trust. "I'm... I'm sorry. I got... I got all caught up in... I don't know what."

  Except I do know what. I got caught up in lacing my lust with jealousy and it got the better of me. I can't do that any more. It's poison if I do it too much.

  "Babe," Serena says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

  It feels good, the weight of her light palm on my arm.

  "We can still call this off."

  Call this off? How can we call it off? She's already told her boss she wants to fuck him. She's already invited him to dinner. This isn't some guy off the street, either. It's her fucking boss.

  And it's not just that. We call it off now and I'll never know. I'll always wonder and kick myself for being too chicken shit to even try. It's not going to break anything. It can't. Worst that can happen is that we don't like it and we stop.


  I look into her eyes. The warmth of her smile puts me at ease. "I'm just freaking out for no reason. Forget about me. I want to do this. Seriously."

  Serena nods.

  Somehow that pushes a sliver of pain into my side, too. Maybe she could have not been so quick to agree. Just a little more reluctance would have...

  Shut up, Anderson. Man up.

  "I want to do this too, baby," she whispers. She leans in and kisses me on the cheek. "I want to do this too."

  Chapter 5


  Anderson's in the kitchen chopping salad when the doorbell rings. My heart does a little fluttery dance inside my chest, then settles down. I take one last glance in the mirror.

  I look good. Really fucking good.

  Four inch heels. My little black dress that fits a little more snugly than it used to, but that doesn't hurt. It kind of helps the look with my tits busting out.

  I've left my hair down. I fluff some fingers through it before walking to the door and pulling it open.

  Dale's smiling on the other side. "Good evening," he says stepping inside. He doesn't wait to be invited, as confident about walking into the house as he is about everything else he does. He sets the glass of wine on the side table.

  "Can I take your coat?" I ask.

  Dale shrugs it off and hands it to me.

  I walk to the closet, hang it up, then come back to where he's standing. I'm just about to pick up the wine when he puts his hand on my hip and pulls me towards him.

  My heart starts pounding as his lips come close to mine. This isn't how I imagined it. This is... so sudden. What's Anderson going to do? What if he walks in and what if...

  And then I'm kissing him and there are no more what ifs. He's pushing his tongue into my mouth, hungry for mine.

  I give it to him and my pussy drenches as his hand slides down towards my ass. I feel Anderson's presence behind us but I can't stop.

  Dale squeezes one side of my ass and pulls away from the kiss.

  I'm stunned. I can't do anything but stare into his dark eyes.

  "I've been waiting for that a long time," he says with a smile. He looks over my shoulder and locks eyes with Anderson. "Like I said before, you've got one hell of a wife!"

  I giggle akwardly as Dale let's me go. Stepping back, I turn to glance at Anderson.

  His shoulders are slumped. He's carrying a kitchen knife and his breathing is heavy.

  My stomach flips, then flops. Fuck. Is this going to get all fucked up? Was he right that he wouldn't be able to take the jealousy?

  "Uh, I think you forgot to leave your knife back in the kitchen, son." Dale sounds like he couldn't be bothered less that the man whose wife he just kissed showed up with a knife.

  Anderson glances down and turns the knife in his hand, the blade glinting in the light. His eyes go wide. "Shit. I'm sorry. I must look like a fucking psychopath!"

  There's an awkward moment before we all burst into laughter, Dale's low, rolling chuckle echoing in the hall.

  Anderson turns and walks back into the kitchen, presumably to return the knife.

  I turn, ready to make small talk with Dale, to smooth over his aggressive entrance and try to build things up a little slower this time. "Can I get you a glass of wine?" I ask, smiling.

  Dale steps towards me again and I get a rush of adrenaline at just how big and black he is. "I think I'll pass on the wine," he says quietly.

  A moment later his hand is in between my legs, running up my thigh, then pressing against my damp panties.

  I gasp but don't step back. This is what I wanted, isn't it? I wanted my big, black boss to fuck me. This is what I've been fantasizing about.

  "That's a nice slick pussy, isn't it?" Dale purrs, closing in on my neck. He presses his lips against the soft skin on the side of my neck and sucks.

  His hand tickling my slit and his tongue on my skin make me moan. I can feel Anderson behind us again.

  Dale doesn't stop. His fingers move slowly to one side between my legs. He hooks one under my thong and presses into my hot damp slit.

  My feet stagger apart as I feel his thick digit slide into my cunt. It's so fucking hard and strong and I let go of my weight a little so I can force him deeper into me. I just want to feel him so deep in my fucking hole.

  Dale pulls away and slides his finger out. He puts his hand on my shoulder and turns me around so my back is to him and I'm facing the stairs.

  I don't have time to react when he bends me over and yanks my underwear down. All I can do is shudder over his hand as he pressed it against my pussy. I wince and gasp when I feel his thumb press against my ass. "Dale, I... "

  "Hush, baby," Dale rumbles behind me, wiggling his thumb fully into my ass.

  I look at Anderson's who's standing in the doorway again. No knife this time. He's dumbfounded. One glance at his groin and I can tell he's hard as a rock.

  That gets me so fucking worked up. I can't believe Dale just walked in here and stuck his thumb in my ass. And I can't believe Anderson's just standing there staring at it with a huge hard-on.

  "Mmm, what a pretty little ass," Dale growls. With one swift motion he pops his thumb out of my ass, then swings his palm down on it in a light slap. "Let's fuck first. We can have a nice dinner later," he says, smiling at Anderson.

  Anderson's dumbfounded. He doesn't say or do anything, just stares.

bsp; Dale gives me another slap and I know it means he wants me upstairs. I teeter over to the stairs on my heels and start up. I don't look at my husband again. I'm so fucking hot for Dale's cock.

  I can't believe this is actually happening.

  I can't believe this is for real.



  I can't believe this is actually happening.

  I can't believe this is for real.

  I don't know how long I stand there staring at the empty stairs. The noises of people taking their clothes off drift down from the bedroom and still, I can't move.

  I know that Serena just went upstairs with Dale. I know he's about to fuck her. I know that I'm supposed to be up there watching. I don't know if I can bring myself to do it or not.

  The image of him shoving his fat black thumb into the the tiny, puckered, pink hole of her ass is etched into my mind. I don't know if I'll ever be able to think of anything else.

  Finally, once I hear Serena moan from up the stairs, I somehow find the will within to order one leaden foot to move then the other. I plod up feeling like I'm wearing cement shoes.

  My heart is racing, my pulse at least double what it normally is. Are we really going to do this? Just like this? Are we really going to let Dale do this to us?

  I stagger over to the room and lean on the door frame. The air leaves my lungs.

  Serena's on her back on the bed. Her clothes are off. Her long legs are split open. Sumptuous thighs narrowing to toned calves that in turn narrow to slender ankles and end in the points of her high-heeled shoes. The only thing she has on.

  Dale is on his knees. His mouth is on her pussy making noisy, wet slurping sounds as he eats her out. His fingers are curled into a fist right beneath his chin. All except the middle one. That one is tucked up into Serena's cunt, sliding slowly in and out.

  I watch with wide eyes and a heavy stomach as he fingers her and sucks on her sloppy lips. He looks even blacker than he did downstairs against her smooth, pale skin.

  Dale gives her pussy a final kiss, then pulls away and stands up. He turns to me and starts unbuckling his belt. "You want to kiss that pussy goodbye?" he asks.

  I feel my face contort with... what is it? Rage? Shame? Disgust? Excitement?

  All of those rolled into one. That's what it is. I don't even know what to feel any more.

  Dale's laugh starts as a whisper, just a series of quick breaths before it becomes the same low, rolling chuckle it was downstairs.

  Serena starts giggling on the bed. She's looking at me. She looks as beautiful as I've ever seen her. Except it's not for me. I'm not going to be the one to fuck her. It's going to be him.

  I'm confused by the laughter for a moment before Dale starts to explain.

  "Son, I'm just joking!" he says, dropping his pants to the ground. "There's absolutely no reason you shouldn't join in on the fun though! Since you're here and all!"

  It takes a moment to skin in, what he's saying to me. I have to twist and turn it around in my head a few times before I realize he's inviting me to help myself to my own wife.

  It's such a dominant act. As if he owns her and is giving me permission to touch what's his.

  I stagger forward nonetheless. I need Serena right now. I need to feel close to her and I'm grateful to Dale for doing this, for letting me touch her before he does.

  He steps aside as I sink to my knees in the same spot he was kneeling by the bed to worship her pussy.

  "Baby," she purrs, caressing my cheek with a finger. She's smiling in that way that makes the single dimple crease on her cheek.

  The smell of her wetness makes me even harder than I already am. I lower my mouth to her sacred softness and press my lips against her cunt. I lick up the slit, savoring the sweet but salty taste of her in my mouth.

  "Mmm," she says, her fingers gliding into my hair.

  I push my tongue lower and find her hole. I stuff it into her until I feel her close around me. Then I slide it out slowly and sweep back up until I feel the engorged nub of her clit.

  She moans and the inside of her soft thighs glide along my stubble as her body reacts to me sucking on her clit.

  Her pussy starts drooling with need, the clear juice oozing down my chin. The room fills with the musky smell of her arousal.

  And then its over. I get up and move to the wall.

  Dale is standing over her, cock in hand. The guy has a huge fucking cock. It's got to be ten inches and it's not even hard. He spits into his hand and starts rubbing the cut head of it.

  Serena's eyes go wide as her gaze settles on it. She's mesmerized by it for a moment then starts giggling. She looks over at me with all the excitement of an eighteen year-old virgin who's just seen her first dick. "Anderson, it's so big!"

  Hearing her say that makes me remotely uncomfortable. She's not a size queen, at least she never has been and it's not like I'm that small. I'm probably seven inches erect. She just... she seems so taken by it. So excited that it's going to be inside her.

  "Come here baby," Dale growls. He reaches out and puts his big, black paw on the back of her head. "You ever suck a black dick?"

  Serena steals a shy glance at me before looking up and shaking her head.

  My mind is in heaven and my guts are in hell.

  Slowly, Serena wraps her slender fingers around the slab of dark meat. Her pretty, pink lips pop open, like she's about to stick a round lollipop into her mouth. She pushes out her moist tongue.

  Then, with just the slightest apprehension, like she's not sure she's going to like the taste, she lays the head of Dale's dark dick onto her tongue and slides it into her mouth.

  Dale lets out a pleased grunt.

  And Serena? Something changes about Serena. She doesn't go wild. She doesn't porn-star out and start bobbing and sucking on that cock. She just... something about her shifts slightly.

  She doesn't suck the dick so much as... savour it. The way I savored her cunt. With her fist wrapped around it, she flicks at the head with her tongue inside her mouth as her head starts to move back and forth.

  Something clicks in my mind and I make sure to remember this moment. Even though I'm terrified of what it will do to our marriage, or what it has already done, I never want to forget the time I first saw my wife take a black cock into her mouth in front of me.

  I stare as she opens her mouth wider and tries to take more and more of his meat.

  Dale just stands there, letting her work his dick the way she likes.

  I shudder at the desire that comes bubbling up.

  If he'd just... if he could just take her in both hands and fuck her in the mouth a little. Fuck that would be so hot...

  Serena looks up and into his eyes, still sucking him off. Like a good girl wanting to make sure she's doing it right.

  Dale gives her a nod.

  Pleased, she turns her attention back to sucking his cock.

  He's getting harder and harder and Serena has to kneel ever taller to keep her mouth on his cock. It makes her tits stick out in the best way, her nipples hard like pink candies.

  Dale grunts again and steps back. His cock springs out of her mouth with a slurpy popping sound. A string of her own drool clings between it and her lips.

  Serena flicks at it with her tongue and swallows it up.

  Fuck I want to see his cum all over her face.

  Dale helps her up onto the bed. He's stroking himself to keep hard.

  Serena scrambles on backwards, then shuffles back toward the pillows.

  Dale climbs on and moves towards her.

  I gasp.

  Serena splits her legs open revealing the hot mess of her slit. She's soaked from sucking him off.

  Dale stops. Turning to me, he smiles. He puts a black hand on Serena's leg, the one closest to me, and pushes it down. Then he puts his cock on her groin. The dark muscle stretches past her belly button.

  You see that? That's how far inside your wife he's going to go.

  I shudder.
Serena looks so... small next to him. There's no way... there's just no way he'll be able to get his whole cock into her. Is there?

  Dale grins, then turns his attention back to her.

  She parts her legs alluringly for him again, the folds of her pink pussy splitting open, ready for his seeding muscle.

  Dale rubs the head of his cock one more time, then presses it against her lips, almost covering them.

  Serena gasps and cranes her neck to look down her body.

  Dale moves forward. The head of his cock presses harder, then slides into her pussy.

  Serena mewls. Her toes point out as her body adjusts to his size.

  "Here we go, baby. Here's how you take a black dick."

  And then he fucking goes for it. He leans into her and his hard shaft piles into her softness as she starts to moan.

  The moan gets louder and louder with each inch she takes. Her hands come up.

  At first I think it's to stop him or at least slow him down.

  No. They snake up his arms, over his shoulders and down his back until they're resting on his ass. And Serena, my pretty, polite Serena who just a few days ago told me she wants to fuck her boss, pulls herself onto him as hard as she can.

  I stare as I watch her take nearly the whole thing. Maybe four inches left. Then three...

  That's when she stops him. One hand moves to his cut chest and pushes back. Her mouth twists slightly into a grimace. "Okay. I think that's all I can... " she whispers.

  Dale cracks a grin. "Oh baby," he rumbles. "Not too much left. You can do better than that. Guaranteed."

  Staring straight into her eyes, he reaches down and grabs her ass. Before she can stop him, he flexes his ass to plow deeper into her.

  I'm sure he can't. I'm sure he won't. I'm fucking positive there's no way she can take all that. I've felt the end of her, haven't I? Haven't I?

  I see it in Serena's body more than anything. The moment Dale breaks whatever barrier was there. The moment his cock drives into her deeper than anyone has ever gone and touches her softest part.

  At that moment Serena's whole body tenses and her eyes go wide. She looks up. Their eyes meet. And in that moment, she looks like she's his.

  I snap another picture of that in my mind because I don't think I'll feel more disconnected from my wife than I do right then. And somehow that's really hot.