Gentle: A Hotwife Fantasy Read online

Page 8

  "Our Brave Brother!" Pater Rex called out. Then, closing the distance between us, lowered his voice and asked, "Have you slept well?"

  "Yes sir," I mumbled, spent from my recent release. Despite that I felt a fresh swell of lust at what I imagined was about to happen.

  "Good. Remember, Matthew, you may call me Pater if you like."

  I looked away. Somehow it seemed to familiar. I was not the kind to drop formality so quickly. It didn't feel right.

  "When you're ready. When you're ready," he said, smiling.

  "Peace and goodness to you all!" Pater Rex shouted.

  The congregation stood. "May peace and goodness fill our cups with light!" they murmured.

  "And may that light flow through us with the gift of life!" Pater said.

  "All that lives begins in seed!" the crowd shouted back.

  I looked at my beautiful Anna Elizabeth. The way she was bound to the wooden stool made her breasts sag low beneath her chest. Her bottom was raised, hands tied to ankles and already her slit glistened with a wetness coming in.

  Pater took me by the arm and led me towards her. With a hand on my shoulder, he made me kneel.

  I did and found myself staring at the tight bottom ring of muscle that led to her insides.

  "Sweet, isn't it?" Pater growled.

  I nodded.

  "But look over there."

  I followed his finger to where another man, another one of the thirteen was standing. His cock had been fluffed up to a rigid pole by a few of the blonde women that were now seated around him, touching themselves. They all stared at the member with desire in their eyes. The same desire I'd seen in Anna Elizabeth's the night before.

  It was as if these dark oppressors held some sway over these beautiful women. As if they'd weaved them into their story with a spell. As if their dark staves held a power in them that the women were helpless against. The man began walking over, holding himself until he was just a few steps from us.

  "Now," Pater said beside me. "Now you must help her. Look how tight she is. Will you help make her ready? Will you help her take him?"

  I swung my head back until once again I was looking at her pretty puckered hole. I knew what I must do but would I have the courage? Could I do such a thing? In front of all of them? I knew I had to. I knew I had to help my Anna Elizabeth or she would not be able to do it herself. I leaned forward. I put my hands up on the soft cheeks of her ass. Her dank musk rose up to greet me as I spread her open. Pushing out my tongue, I pressed it to the ring.

  Chapter 13

  Anna Elizabeth moaned and arched her back under my affection. As I probed into her she shuddered and cried out. My own saliva began to drip off my tongue, coating her ass hole, slickening it for the large man's meat.

  But as I ate a strange thing happened. The smell and taste of her overwhelmed me and made me want more, more, more! I plunged the tip of my tongue in and out of her. I spat on her then licked it up, then spat again.

  Just below my chin, her soaked gash leaked and dripped onto the ground. I longed to taste it again but that was not my job now. My job now was to make her ready to take him.

  "Enough!" Pater bellowed.

  I would not relent. He had to pull me away. I sank back onto my haunches and stared at what I'd done. Her ass seemed to have spread like a flower. I'd done my job well.

  The black man stepped forward holding his penetrator. He pressed the head of it against my handiwork. He circled around, collecting the moisture I'd left there. Then he stepped forward and began to push.

  "Oh, oh!" Anna Elizabeth cried out. His meat began to sink into her and she bucked and strained against the ropes that held her fast. Her ass swallowed his bulbous head. She screamed. He began to force the rest of himself inside.

  Each inch seemed to enter her more slowly. I saw her squeezing, tightening, her whole body shaking under the strain. She jerked her head around. "I...I can't!"

  "Oh Anna," Pater rumbled. "But you can!"

  With that the dark monster thrust himself forward. The rest of his cock slipped in. I watched as it spread her hole to twice its size. Deeper and deeper he went until there was nothing left. His sack landed against her with a wet slap!

  The crowd cheered.

  Pater grinned.

  All I could do was stare, transfixed at my lovely Anna's white bottom filled with black flesh.

  He placed his hands on her hips. He braced himself and leaned forward. Then he began to saw. He pulled himself out.

  She moaned.

  He thrust back inside.

  She moaned again.





  On the third time her body appeared to relax. She was still breathing heavily, but now she looked as if she'd adjusted to accommodate him.

  "Help her, Matthew!" Pater urged. "Help her find her pleasure!"

  I looked up, bewildered. What did he mean?

  He motioned that I should go forward. He put two fingers in the air.

  Then I knew. I knew he meant for me to find the spot I'd found the night before with my tongue. I reached up. My fingers found her tender flesh. Then I felt her engorged clit beneath them and began to spin.

  "Oh!" came the long, low groan of her excitement. Her ass raised, accepting him even more deeply than before.

  As his cock plunged and plunged I felt more wetness spill from her heated pussy.

  She bucked. She cried out.

  He was drilling into her now. Each thrust rocked her forward on the stool. Each time he slammed against her body she cried out.

  My fingers were slick with her juice. I rubbed back and forth and rubbed and rubbed. Then I felt it. I felt her little bud go taut. I felt more liquid leaking out. Then I heard her scream.

  "Agh!" she shouted as a violent climax tore through her. The ropes dug into her flesh as she strained against them. Her ass tightened around the cock pounding into it.

  And I looked on in raging lust, tortured agony and some humiliation that my bride-to-be was being given such a treatment in front of the entire village.

  I fell away as the large man's thrusts into Anna Elizabeth became more insistent. Once again I heard Pater's voice at my side.

  "Go to her, Matthew. You may kiss her now. You've earned it," he said.

  His words filled me with an elation that blinded all other emotions. Finally! After all this time and waiting and patience I was going to be allowed to kiss my Anna Elizabeth! I scurried over in front of the stool on my hands and knees and looked into her eyes. Though I knew the crowd behind me could see everything, I didn't care. I didn't care that they were watching as her hole was being stretched and tainted by this brute. I didn't care that there I was in front of her, watching her rock back and forth as she was defiled.

  No! I was going to enjoy this moment and save it for the rest of my life and that was that! But the ugly snake of jealousy reared its head and threatened to fill me with venom as soon as I saw her face.

  It was a face I'd never seen a woman make before. Anguished and desperate but somehow also conveying an unearthly pleasure. Her eyes had appeared to roll back into her head. Her jaw hung open and her head bobbed with each thrust as if she were in a trance.

  "Anna Elizabeth!" I whispered. "Wake up! I can kiss you now!"

  Her eyes lolled open and a smile flickered along her lips. "I'm awake silly," she said, giggling. Here again was another Anna Elizabeth I had not yet met. The one I knew didn't giggle. Where was the stern and upright woman I had fallen for? This was some lecherous hussy, some common slut who was actually taking pleasure in this barbaric ritual!

  And yet...

  And yet...

  And yet she was so beautiful, still. No matter how thick the cock stuffed up her ass or how she was enjoying it, her lips were still so full and plush and welcoming. The thought of my tongue inside her mouth was enough to cause my cock to rise again. Without saying any more, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers.

  How arousing! How incredible it was, the feeling of plunging my tongue into her hot mouth. Even though hers was somewhat limp, presumably from her exhaustion, I still revelled in the act of fishing around in her mouth for it. I poked and prodded at it, trying to make her kiss me back but after some time knew that my efforts were in vain.

  She was spent and exhausted from the climax that I'd given her and I would have to be happy with what I got. Touching a palm to her cheek I pulled away and looked into her eyes again. "I love you Anna Elizabeth!" I watched her very carefully for a reaction and I think she smiled after I said it. Thinking back, yes, I'm sure she did. I'm sure of it.

  Then the dark giant came.

  Anna Elizabeth's eyes opened wide as he roared behind her.

  I looked back to see his whole body in a state of furious tension as he pumped his cock into her and filled her back cavity with his seed. I even caught her eye a few times as he did and I'm sure she smiled at me again when I did.

  His climax finished quickly. As soon as he was done he pulled his flagging member from her, turned and walked back to put on his robe.

  Then it was just me and her at the center of the onlookers for even Pater Rex had seemed to disappear into the crowd. I kept staring at her for some time, waiting for her to find her strength again. When she didn't I lifted her chin with a finger to look into her eyes.

  "Anna Elizabeth," I whispered.

  "Oh Matthew," she replied. "You are so darling."

  Darling. Darling!

  It was a momentous occasion. The first warm word I'd ever received from Anna Elizabeth and how happy and proud I was for it!

  "I love you!" I said.

  "Untie me?" she asked.

  I looked around. Everyone was still watching but I didn't care. I was really looking for Pater Rex. I was really looking for some guidance about what to do. He would know. He would be able to tell me.

  "Matthew, please! Untie me!"

  "I..." Where was he? Where was he when I needed him? Was this right? Was this what I was supposed to do? What if untying her was the wrong thing? What if he got mad?

  "Matthew, the ropes are hurting me!" she cried this time. "Please untie me!"

  My heart was pounding and I was filled with a nervous energy. I had no idea what to do. I was torn. I wanted to help her. I wanted to untie Anna Elizabeth. But what I didn't want most of all, was to make Pater Rex angry with me!

  My eyes darted from Anna Elizabeth's wiggling form on the stool, out through the crowd, desperately searching for Pater Rex's large frame. He was nowhere to be found.

  "Matthew!" she cried now and it proved too much.

  "Alright! Alright!" I shrieked and began to pick at the knots in the thick twine.

  They'd been tied so expertly that they came apart easily even though she had not been able to free herself from them. As the ropes fell away, Anna Elizabeth began to stand. I jumped up to help her and she took my hand and soon we were both standing naked in front of the silent crowd.

  "As you know my children!" Pater Rex's voice bellowed as his shape emerged from the crowd. "There is one final act of devotion that must be performed by our new Brave Brother! One more demonstration of loyalty and respect!"

  I turned to look at him. How could I not have seen him there? I didn't understand how, short of crawling on the ground, he had hidden himself. Nevertheless, he did not seem mad and for that I was very grateful.

  Anna Elizabeth turned to me. Her whorish look had been replaced with a supplicant smile and her cheeks blushed a little red as if this were the part of the ceremony that was going to embarrass her most.

  "To show your love and your commitment to your new bride, Brave Brother," Pater Rex boomed as he stepped toward us and put a hand on my shoulder, "will you help the young maiden freshen herself?" He opened his eyes widely as he said it and turned his head to punctuate the question.


  "She is filthy!" he hissed. "How can you marry someone like that?"

  "But...what can I..."

  Before I could finish, Pater was already helping me to my knees. Then his broad, black hands were turning my lovely Anna Elizabeth around so that she was facing away and so that her messy rear was nearly at my face.

  I sucked in a breath at how much fresh spunk was leaking from inside her. The smell of the giant's potent load mingled with the musk I remembered her back hole to smell like. I swallowed. I gagged. Was this really to be? Would I really do this and in front of so many watching?

  Again my cock betrayed me. As torn as I was in my mind, my cock let it be known to all that could see that my body was ready to receive her lover's cum. Not just ready. Hungry for it.

  "Eat her, Matthew," Pater Rex purred. "Clean your filthy slut!"

  Somehow I had known this was coming. My eyes swung down from Pater Rex to Anna Elizabeth's closing maw. It had been stretched so wide by her invader and now was closing as thick rivers of his spunk poured out of it. It was a vile sight but my cock flexed between me legs even as apprehension gripped my insides. But I knew what I must do.

  I leaned closer. I placed my palms on the two soft, round orbs of her buttocks and pried them apart. With trepidation I leaned even closer and pushed my tongue past my lips. As I stretched her apart, a torrent of cum erupted from the chasm in a wet and sloppy fart. The hot liquid landed on my cheek as the crowd roared their approval.

  Stifling the retch that bubbled up from my insides, I pressed my tongue against her ass and began to eat away at the sticky deposits. There was such a volume of it that I could barely keep up as I cleaned and licked around her tender ring.

  Anna Elizabeth once again began to moan and as I pulled away to eye my efforts, I saw that more wetness had come in between her legs. Her excitement filled me with fresh lust and I plunged back into her ass, scooping out wave after wave of cum with my tongue. I swallowed down the salty liquid that left a bitter trail where it touched my tongue. Soon I couldn't resist the urge to push my hand between her legs and swipe a finger along her soaked slit. Encouraged by her moans I kept rubbing her with my fingers even as I kept washing her back hole.

  She shook and shivered above my hand. She groaned. She swayed. Her thighs began to shake. The sticky sounds of my fingers on her pussy drifted out over the crowd. Then her ass hole began to tighten around my tongue and I knew that I had brought her to the edge of pleasure once again. As she leaned back, burying my face between her cheeks, I felt the warm glow of satisfaction fill me. How good a lover I was being! How I knew what my Anna Elizabeth needed and craved.

  Her climax came with a scream that echoed along the hills. Then it was over.

  She was being led away by Pater Rex. The crowd began to thin. I knelt quietly in front of the stool and watched her disappear. Then there was no one in the little square but me. I sat on my haunches, a slight wind blowing autumn air through my hair. I hoped I had been good. I hoped this had been the final test of my devotion. I had no way of knowing.

  "Come, Matthew." The unmistakable sound of Tobias' voice made me turn. He was standing behind me. "You should get some rest before tonight."

  Chapter 14

  I was exhausted. Tobias had led me back to the room. On the way he'd begun to explain that tonight would be his wedding and that it would be a late night. My head was a mess of emotions and thoughts and contradictions. I wished Pater Rex would come and talk to me and explain all this. In the meantime, I listened to Tobias talk.

  "Do you like it here?" he asked.

  For a while I didn't respond. What could I say? It was the last thing I was expecting when I agreed to come here for the wedding. How could a man expect his beautiful fiancee to lead him to a place like this without telling him what it was about?

  And yet...each time I thought of what had happened fresh lust surged into my cock.

  "I don't know what to make of it."

  "You don't?" he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  "Do you?"

sp; "It's all written there," he said, pointing to the Brave Brother's Companion. "You should read it. Sooner than later would be better. Then you'd understand."

  I looked at the book. What secrets did it hold? What answers could it possibly give me about this absurd place? I looked away. I didn't have the energy for it now. "What will happen tonight? At your wedding?" I asked instead.

  Tobias took a deep breath and closed his eyes before answering. "Tonight," he began quietly, "I will finally take my bride."

  His words filled me with a faint hope. Surely he'd been through everything I had. If that was the case then come my wedding, I would be able to take my bride too! "Will it be this morning? With everyone watching?" I ventured.

  Tobias shook his head. "No. This morning was just the induction. To make sure of your commitment."

  "Commitment to what?"

  "To this place. To your wife. To Pater Rex."

  Pater Rex.

  Why did the mere mention of his name fill me with a kind of satisfaction? Why did I feel the need to see him again, to make sure he wasn't angry, to please him in some way? None of it made any sense in my mind but in my heart? I felt a love there. "So what will it be like? Your wedding? Who will be there?"

  "Just me and my Anna Esther and Pater Rex," Tobias replied. "He will perform the vows."

  "Will there be a celebration? A feast? A party? Dancing afterwards?"

  Tobias scowled and shook his head again. "Don't even ask those questions. A wedding is much to solemn an event for that."

  A wedding? A solemn event? I hadn't heard anything like it. "I thought weddings were supposed to be full of love and joy. A celebration of two lives being joined."

  Tobias set his jaw. "You would do well to read your story, Matthew," he chided. "Pater Rex will not be pleased with you if you have not."

  I looked at the book again but didn't answer him. What was there to say? Perhaps I should read the story. If it would make Pater Rex happy, I would. The two of us sat in silence for a spell. The sun slipped lower in the sky. Long shadows crawled across the floor. Then a knock at the door.